Postcard Clues 100 Years On - Clues to Olof !
It's amazing how curious you can get about people in no way related to you. I've written before about Olof Harrison, a Swede who mov
Postcard Clues 100 Years On - Clues to Olof !
German Wedding Invitation Details
We're from Germany but Where?
The Scandalous Pauline: Discovering a Fascinating Woman
Postcard Pals - Old Swedish Cards in Translation
Glimpses of the Catastrophe of 1914/1918
From Genf to Geneva and other Translations
Ack! Pronouncing German ei vs. ie
Christmas Letter in February?
Joyous German Visit Home: 1925
Beloved Son, Hurry! 1843 Letter
Why Write Notes on Photos?
Surviving Manassas: Civil War Diary
Handwritten Letters & a Postcard
Celebrate Handwriting!
The Journey & the Journeyman Book
What's Fairfield, IA got over NYC?
Why burg, why berg?
German in the Cemetery
Separated 99 Years, part 2