Pennsylvania Laws-German Translation
A chance encounter with an 1801 document from Greene County, Pennsylvania got me thinking about early German records in western Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Laws-German Translation
Why does German Capitalize everything?
Reading Old German - Free Tutorials
Senior and Junior, occasionally tricky
Tips for Translating German Church Records: Cheat sheet
The Other French Germans
Fiefdom in a Desk
Why Couldn’t Shakespeare Get U and V Right?
German Feudal, Fief and Enfeoffment
Why... do we dot our i's? Minims!
1497 German Medieval Letter
What's in a name- George?
Punctuation and the Genealogist
Taxes: English Fleeced to German Plucked
Two Dots and an Umlaut
Celtic Footsteps across Germany- the Undarkening Ages
Milestone Favorites: Language, History & Tips
How to Spot the Dot
Brahms’ Lullaby, the Wiegenlied
Why Couldn’t My Ancestor Spell Their Name the Same?