On Day 3 celebrating the Art of Handwriting and Family we are sharing a page from Robert Israel's 1862 Civil War diary.
This is the 1862 diary from my father's great grandfather, the first to enlist in Company A 36th Regiment Ohio Volunteers.
By August, Robert has spent much of his time in West Virginia drilling constantly, marching from place to place, although in mid August he rides on the "cars" or railroad which go "like the devil." He's been in some battles, but talks as much about the rain, heat and food (or lack of it). His spelling and grammar are poor, but certainly adequate to relate his experiences.
Looking at just the week of August 26 highlights his experiences: rebels attacking, burning railroad bridges, fighting "old Jackson" and then burying the dead from Manassas, confusion as men rush over a hill. Nothing compares to seeing it written by someone who was there.
we are guarding
head quarters
had parade the reb
els maid a dash in
the reer of and bur
ned a large rarero [railroad]
ad bridge
got orders to leav
at .6.o āclock had to
guard generals popes
train marched to
Bull run and Camp
ed for the night ma [or, āin aā ?]
THURSDAY 28 [Āæstake?]
I was detaled to [detailed]
help bury the dead
at manasis worked [Manassas = 2nd Battle of Bull Run Aug 28-30]
hard all day our
Regt marched to
bull run camped
for the night
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1862.
left Bull Run
at daylight marc
hed to Centerville [Centerville VA is one mile from Bull Run]
was put on guard
as soon as I got the
re our men us fght [there; our men is fighting]
ing old Jackson
layed in camp at
Centerville all day
Jackson turned
our h left wing a
and our men rushe
over the hill in con
fusion so I was put
on guard
Left rais with th
train went back
5 miles our company
went out on a cout [scout]
seen plenty of secesh
cavarly and herd
[on next page] hevy connoaiding
Hope this inspires you to share some of your written family treasures.
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