What milestones Unlock Your History has reached!
I noticed that our next published blog would be #60. It got me thinking of how much we've accomplished. In blogs alone, we've covered everything from German dialects and history, digging into the circumstances behind a series of Swedish postcards, the history of a girl's influx of 1960 cards from overseas, plus a variety of genealogy research tips (and a lot more in between). It got us looking at all our other achievements.
Here's just a smattering of what we've accomplished. Thank you!
- Affiliate member of the Senator John Heinz History Center (itself an affiliate of the Smithsonian) and are now on our second round of joint presentations (our next one is a return to Fayette
County Cultural Trust).
- A broad range of translations and Journey Books. Some favorites include:
- US Civil War letters written by a Norwegian immigrant to his family in Iowa
- A rabbi's poem Looking Back reflecting upon his long life
- A series of letters between various family members in Germany and the US, highlighting the turbulence both families were experiencing in the early 20th century
On the genealogy front, we've:
- Pieced together family connections in Germany and the US.
- Researched and submitted First Family application for Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society.
- Uncovered Civil War service along with the pension showing the ancestor became mostly deaf due to fighting at Cold Harbor.
- Found countless interesting newspaper articles, including a remarkable one of my 5-year old great-great uncle setting my great-great grandfather's barn on fire!
We've hit some impressive numbers!
- Over 10,000 website visits and 400 Facebook followers
- Over 20 presentations for audiences in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio
- 60 blogs (this is it)!
- On that front, peruse some of our top blog posts!
Dutchland? Germany? (and no, that's not a typo)
Whew. We've been busy. Thank you all for your genealogical and historical curiosity, pieces to translate and interesting family stories that you've shared with us. We wouldn't be here without you!